Video & Audio Editing
Video & Audio Editing
During pre-production, the concept and script for the video are developed, along with the selection of actors, location, and equipment. In production, the video is recorded using cameras, microphones. Finally, during post-production, the raw footage is edited, and sound effects, music, and special effects are added to create
“Loop” by one shot production
After working overtime, a lady went home in the late hours of the night as usual. One day, she became aware that someone was following her. She attempted to avoid him out of fear but lots of accidents happened. Everything around her, including the follower, echoed the scenes and conversations from her dream. Could she make it to home ……
Audio and Video Production
An introduction and overview of the visual and audio media world with the process of producing video content for video. special effects and other sounds. Synchronize sounds and dialogue with movies or television
Loop – Main Video
Loop – Behind the scene