Creating projects design

Poster Design

Poster Design

The poster typically consists of a combination of text and graphics, arranged in a visually appealing and organized way. The design of the poster should be eye-catching and attention-grabbing, while also effectively communicating the intended


Poster design of a projection mapping interactive installation.  This poster represent different types of factor cause by the global warming. Such as the yellow one is about oil exploration, magenta represent carbon while the green one represent chlorofluorocarbon.  Each design has it owns effect based on the factor along the title of SNOWSENSE and the main character will be the polar bear.

Interactive Design

Applying visual hierarchy with the use of typography and pictures to meet user's requirements and focus on the elements in designs, to optimize user experience. 

Shine for the Ocean

Poster Design

Here is the selection of the project I’ve work on. AI is used to create the effect of color and the depth.

All Graphic Design Poster

All poster design is based on the the styling and theme. All of design is created with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop in order to achieve the effect where professionals create visual content to communicate

LOOP short film poster design

Poster design of a short film in a production  The current focus on digital advertising offers opportunities for interactivity and dynamic designs that could transform poster art in new ways.

Illustration and Photo Manipulation Poster Design

Illustration of futuristic graphics into the poster to show the effects and texture into the artwork with the use of photo manipulation for the buildings and lights .It is designed to be both eye-catching and design expresses the process of developing the cyberpunk mood and feel.

Cyberpunk Space

Transforming images to arrive at the desired output. Through the art of photo manipulation, it is able to transcend image into a true piece of art, Whereas, this Cyberpunk feeling image manipulation is done from Photoshop.